in the name of god amen the
etc. I
Rich Sydye
of White Colne in the county of Essex yeoman being sick of body but of perfect memory thanks be given to almighty god do ordain and make this my last will and testament in manner and form following first I bequeath my soul to almighty god my saviour and redeemer trusting through his mercy to be saved and I will my body to be buried decently and orderly in the parish churchyard of White Colne aforesaid at the discretion of mine executor item I give and bequeath unto the poor people of the parish of Earls Colne and Wakes Colne to either of the said parishes 3bush of mislen item I do give to four of the poor folks of the said parish of White Colne viz to old
and old
and mother
to every of them 1bush of mislen and to mother
1bush of white wheat item I give and bequeath towards the reparations of the parish church and churchyard of White Colne aforesaid 6s8d item I give to the poor people of Munt Bures viz to old
2bush of mislen and to
item I will and bequeath the occupation of my lease of the manor of Barwick Hall with the appurtenances to
my wife and to her assigns until such time as
Ralph Sydye
my eldest son shall accomplish the age of 21yr and then I will the said
to have the same lease to him his executors administrators and assigns also I will that if it shall fortune hereafter the said
to decease and to depart out of this mortal world before he shall accomplish his said age of 21yr the I will that
my youngest son shall have the same lease to him his heirs and his assigns at such time as the said
should have accomplished his said full age of 21yr if he had lived unto that time also I will and my mind is that my said wife shall yearly allow and pay to each and every of my said sons 10li lawful money of England apiece during such time as the said
or her assigns shall or may have and enjoy the occupation of the said lease or any part of the said term of years of and in the same and the said yearly payment and allowance out of the same shall be paid to the said
for his part due unto him at such time as he shall accomplish his said full age of 21yr and the said yearly payment and allowance to be paid to the said
my son at such time also as he shall accomplish the age of 21yr and I will the one of my sons to be the other's heir of this said legacy if it so fortune hereafter that any of them do die before such time as he shall accomplish his said age of 21yr also I will it after such time as the said
shall accomplish the said age of 21yr and shall or may enjoy the said lease then I will that he the said
shall yearly pay to
Jeff Potter
Jn Potter
his brother of White Colne aforesaid yearly and to their assigns to the use of the said
my son out of the same lease 20li of lawful money of England at two useful times in the year that is to say annunciation and michaelmas by even and equal portions or within twenty days next after every of the said feasts and also shall further pay yearly out of the said lease one rent charge of 6li13s4d like lawful money at the feasts or days aforesaid to
my wife or her assigns towards the maintenance and good education of the said
my son in learning during the term of years in the said lease and if it happen the said yearly rent or charge of 20li or any part or parcel thereof to be unpaid in part or in all at the days or feasts aforesaid in which the same ought to be paid it then it shall and may be lawful to and for the said
Jeff Potter
Jn Potter
or either of them or their assigns or the assigns of either of them into the same manor called Barwick Hall and the lands thereunto belonging and into every or any part thereof to enter and distrain and the distress or distresses thereso taken to lead drive bear carry away detain and withhold until such time as the said yearly rent charges of 20li shall be fully paid together with the wages thereof if any shall happen to be and further that if it shall happen the said yearly rent charge of 6li13s4d to be behind and unpaid in part or in all after either or any of the feasts or days aforesaid that then also it shall and may be lawful to and for the said
my wife and her assigns to enter into the said manor and into all and singular the lands thereunto belonging and there to distrain and the distress and distresses there taken to lead bear carry away impound and detain until the said yearly rent and charge of 6li13s4d and every part and parcel thereof together with their wages thereof if any shall happen to be fully satisfied and paid and I will and my mind is that the said
Jn Potter
shall well and truly pay the said yearly several payments of 20li by them before received to the said
my son at such time as he shall accomplish the age of 21yr also I will that my said wife shall bring up and decently maintain and keep at her proper costs and charges both my said sons during the time that they shall be within their several ages of 21yr in learning and virtue for their better preferment in time to come also I will that my said wife shall become bound with two good able and sufficient sureties in the sum of 200li of lawful money of England to the true performance of all such gifts legacies and bequests in this my present last will and testament expressed which of her part are to be performed and kept and further my whole mind and will is that the said
Jn Potter
their heirs executors and administrators shall become bound in the sum of 200li of lawful money of England unto the said
my son and his assigns for the true payment of all such sum and sums of money as shall be due unto the said
and which they shall receive by virtue of this my will to the use of the said
and if it fortune the said
to die before he shall come to the full age of 21yr then I will the same to be paid to
my said son and to his assigns item I do also will and bequeath all my customary and copyhold lands being holden of the manor of Mounte Buers in the said county of Essex except one croft called Pawes Land containing by estimation 5a and one tenement called Alphies alias Stonardes and 9a of land by estimation with the appurtenances to the same tenement adjoining unto
my said son and to his heirs item I give and bequeath all the said croft called Pawes Lande and the said tenement called Alphies alias Stonards with the said 9a of land by estimation and all and singular their appurtenances unto
and his heirs item I will and bequeath unto
my said son 100marks lawful money of England to be paid to him at his age of 21yr item I give and bequeath unto my said wife all and singular my free lands and tenements whatsoever to have and to hold to her and her assigns until such time as
my said son shall accomplish the age of 20yr then I will all those my free lands and tenements whatsoever aforesaid to the said
to have and to hold to him and to his heirs item I will and bequeath all those my closes and parcels of land customary called Gobies holden of the manor of Lamarshe in the county of Essex aforesaid to
Rich Sydye
my said son to have and to hold to him and to his heirs item I give to either of my said sons two beasts or kine and ten good and solid ewe sheep to be delivered them or their assigns as they shall accomplish their several ages of 21yr item I do give and bequeath unto
Jn Potter
Jn Berwith
and to
Jn Gurlyfannce
my servants to every of them 20s to
Jas Warde
6s8d to
Thos Carter
6s8d to
Jn Potter
the younger 10s to
Jn Prentise
20d to my two maid servants to either of them 6s8d item I give unto my sister
seven children to every of them 20s to be paid within two years after my decease to my father
10s and to my mother
10s to
Nich Bleake
of St Osyths gent 10s to
Robt Potter
my sister's son 10s to mr
the vicar of Earls Colne one load of hay to be taken this year out of my meadow called Berwick Hall Meadow item I give to every of my godchildren 12d and to
Marge Potter
my sister's daughter 3li to my cousin
Jeff Potter
10s item I do give and bequeath unto my said wife all my goods and chattels whatsoever unbequeathed requiring her to perform and fulfil this my last will and testament as my especial trust is in her whom I do make my sole executrix of this my last will and I do appoint and ordain
Wm Tyffin
of Pedmarshe in the county of Essex gent to be supervisor of this my last will and testament desiring him that my said wife
from time to time have his good advise direction and assistance in aiding her towards the accomplishment of my true meaning of this my present will and testament and for his payment herein I do give and bequeath unto him 40s in witness whereof I the said
Rich Sydye
have unto this my will put my hand and seal the
sealed and delivered in the presence of
Wm Ratlyffe
Jn Quilter
Jn Potter
Robt Hawkins
Rich Sydye