in the name of god amen I
Thos Leffingwell
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex being sick in body but whole and perfect of remembrance thanks be unto almighty god do make and ordain this my last will and testament revoking all others in manner and form following videlicet first I bequeath my soul unto almighty god my only mediator and redeemer and my body to be buried in the parish churchyard of Earls Colne aforesaid according to the discretion of my friends etc item I give and bequeath unto my son
Wm Leffingwell
two crofts or parcels of land commonly called or known by the usual names of
Ten Acres
even as they are set lying or being in Earls Colne aforesaid which are next adjoining unto the kings highway leading down to
whereof one part of them abutteth upon the ground called
moreover I give unto him my said son
other two parcels or crofts of land called
abutting one head of them upon the lands called
the Heyhouse
and to his executors provided also and be it upon this condition that the said
Wm Leffingwell
his heirs executors or administrators shall and will satisfy content and pay or cause to be paid unto
Joan Leffingwell
my wife the sum of 3li6s8d of good lawful money of England every year yearly during time of her natural life and the same to be paid quarterly that is to say at four times or terms in the year even and equal portions and if default of payment be made in part or all of the said sum of 3li6s8d according to true meaning and intent that then it shall and maybe lawful for the said
Joan Leffingwell
to have hold enjoy and enter upon the said crofts or parcels of land with the appurtenances during term of her natural life etc item I give unto my son
Jn Leffingwell
all that part of my house which I now dwell in that is to say from the entrance towards Halsted that is to say the hall and the two chambers the sollar and the entry reserving unto my said wife
her dwelling in the said tenement during time of her life also I give unto my said son
Jn Leffingwell
five crofts or parcels of land on the back side of my house abutting upon
Kates Croftes
and one other croft called
and to his heirs forever upon this condition that the said
Jn Leffingwell
shall pay or cause to be paid unto my said wife
the sum of 3li6s8d of lawful money of England at four times or terms in they ear by even portions and if default of payment be made in part or in all according to true meaning that then it shall be lawful for my said wife
to enter and enjoy the said parcels of land during the term of her natural life etc item I give and bequeath unto my daughter
Ann Leffingwell
and to her heirs forever all the other part of my house or tenement from the entry towards Earls Colne church with a parcel of the yard leading to the pond even with the said parcel of the house and also I give unto her the parcel of ground called
Kates Croft
and a certain parcel of ground called
Ten Acres Fenn
containing 6a more or less and to her heirs forever provided also that my said daughter
shall pay unto her mother
Joan Leffingwell
the sum of 40s the year during time of the natural life of the said
moreover I give unto my son
Jn Leffingwell
and to his heirs forever one half of the barn that is to say the end from the stable to the threshing room and the other half of the barn I give unto my said daughter
and to her heirs forever also my will and meaning is that all the wood to be lopped upon the said premises on those pollingers which have been usually lopped
I give it unto my wife to burn upon the premises during her natural life moreover I will and my intent is that if any of my children above named do refuse to observe and perform any part of my will or meaning as is aforesaid or if they do disturb their mother in carrying or taking the said lops of wood on the said premises with men cart or horse at her pleasure that then it shall and may be lawful for my said wife to enter upon the said premises and parcels of land and to have hold and enjoy them for her own during her natural life item I give unto my daughter
Agnes Clarke
widow the sum of 20s of good and lawful english money to be paid unto her by my said sons
every year during term of her natural life and the same to be paid four times in the year by even portions provided also that the said
Wm Leffingwell
Jn Leffingwell
shall make default of payment of the said sum of 20s according to true meaning that then it shall and may be lawful for my said daughter
Agnes Clarke
to enter upon all the aforesaid parcels of land which I have given them and to have hold and enjoy them and every part and parcel of them as her own during her natural life etc item I will and bequeath unto my said wife all my movable goods and chattels within the house and without whatsoever and after her decease the goods and chattels shall be left to remain to my daughter
and to her heirs forever moreover I will that if it shall please god that I shall depart my wife shall have every the aforesaid premises to her own use until michaelmas next after my decease also I do make and ordain my said wife
my sole executrix of this my will and testament and my son
my supervisor to see my will performed in witness whereof I the said
have hereunto set my hand and seal the
6.1.1 606
Thos Leffingwell
sealed and signed in the presence of us
Robt Rookes
Franc Hampton
Edw Clemence
by me
Wm Catt