in the name of god amen the
Jn Brewer
of Earls Colne being sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance thanks be unto god I do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following first I bequeath my soul to almighty god and my body to be buried according to the discretion of my wife and other of my friends item I will give and bequeath to
my wife all my goods cattle and chattels and implements of household stuff whatsoever which I have now within the parish of Earls Colne or elsewhere wheresoever of whatsoever they be upon this condition that my said wife shall bring up my children and use her best endeavours to satisfy my debts and I do make and ordain my said wife sole executrix of this my will and testament in witness whereof I the said
Jn Brewer
have hereunto set my hand the day and year first above mentioned these being witness to this my will and testament
Edw Cressener
Thos Aylett
Wm Catte
Jn Brewer