in the name of god amen the 29.12.1618 I Rich Parker of Earls Colne in the county of Essex yeoman being sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance god be praised do ordain and make this my last will and testament in manner and form following viz first I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god my creator assuredly trusting to receive forgiveness of my sins through the death and passion of jesus christ my saviour and redeemer and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Earls Colne aforesaid item I give and bequeath unto the poor people of the same parish the sum of 13s4d to be distributed within one month next after my decease item I give and bequeath unto mr Jn Hawkesbie our preacher one angel of gold desiring him to make a sermon for the edifying of people at my burial item I give and bequeath unto Eliz Parker my wife the sum of 20s of lawful money of England to be paid unto her within one year next after my decease item I give and bequeath unto Eliz my wife one bedstead standing in the new chamber with a flockbed two blankets one pair of sheets one bolster and two pillows item I give and bequeath unto Eliz Parker my daughter and to her heirs all those my customary lands holden of the manor of Colne Priory called or known by the name of Mallories containing by estimation 20a more or less upon this condition that the said Eliz Parker shall pay or cause to be paid to Margt Parker my mother the sum of 13li6s8d of lawful money of England yearly during the term of her natural life at two several feasts in the year that is to say at annunciation and michaelmas by even and equal portions and if the said Eliz Parker my daughter shall refuse to pay the same accordingly then it shall be lawful for the said Margt my mother to enter all those my customary lands holden of the manor of Colne Priory called Mallories to hold and enjoy the same during the term of her natural life all the rest of my lands and tenements by what name or names ever they be called or known both free and copy I give and bequeath unto Eliz Parker my daughter and her heirs forever all the rest of my movable goods cattles and chattels I give and bequeath unto Eliz Parker my daughter who I ordain and make sole executrix of this my last will and testament item I do nominate and appoint Hugh Potter my brother in law to be guardian unto Eliz Parker my daughter and I do give unto him for his pains to be taken therein the sum of 20s of lawful money of England in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written sealed and delivered in the presence of Thos Smyth sen Thos Smyth Robt Crowe Wm Dashe Rich Parker