in the name of god amen I
Edw Warren
do as much as in me lie make this my last will as follows item I give my executor hereunder named all that messuage or tenement wherein I now dwell called
the George
with all the yards and appurtenances thereunto belonging and now in my own occupation to be by him sold and the money there arising my will and mind is shall be for the discharge of my mortgage thereon debts due by bond and otherways item I give to my sister
Eliz Clitter
the featherbed I now lie on with all the furniture thereto belonging and all other the furniture in that room except one livery cupboard which I give to
Wm Boosby
item I give to her my middle kettle and one silver spoon to be to her delivered within one month after my decease item I give to my brother
Robt Warren
six silver forks one silver salt to be delivered to him by my executor within three months
and also 5li to be paid him within one year after my decease(inserted)
item I give to my brother in law
Wm Boosby
my biggest kettle and the bed with all the furniture as it now stands next the street on the parlour chamber with one pair of sheets one silver spoon and one silver salt item I give to my kinswoman
Ann Cooke
and now my servant the other bed standing on the hall chamber with all the furniture thereto belonging one pair of sheets and the least of my brass kettles and two brass skillets all to be delivered to her within three months after my death by my executor hereunder named and also I give more to her one iron pot item I give to
Mary Clitter
the daughter of my sister
Eliz Clitter
the featherbed standing on the parlour chamber with the furniture thereto belonging to be delivered to her at her age of 16yr and then her discharge shall be a good discharge for the same item all my linen my will is shall be equally divided between my brother
Wm Boosby
Eliz Clitter
Robt Warren
Ann Cooke
item now my mind further is that after these goods delivered my funeral probate of this my will and other charges and expenses by my executor paid and disbursed together with 5li I give to my executor for his care and pains that also to be first discounted all the rest of my personal estate I dispose thereof as follows my mind is that 10li thereof shall be for the use and benefit of
Geo Clitter
my kinsmen to bind apprentices at my executor's discretion item my will and mind is that my executor hereunder named shall have as full power to surrender and convey the before mentioned messuage and premises in as full manner for payment of my debts and legacies as if I were present to any purchaser and his heirs and if the above mentioned bequest be not sufficient in law to convey and make a good title to any purchaser of the same then I give the same to my executor and his heirs for the uses aforesaid item I give to
Rich Clitter
Geo Clitter
Mary Clitter
and to each of them one silver spoon item all the rest of real and personal estate after my debts legacies and funeral and other expenses paid and discharged my will is shall be equally by executor hereunder named divided between
Robt Warren
Eliz Clitter
Wm Boosby
Ann Cooke
share and share like and I desire my executor not to exceed above 5li in my funeral I desire my friend
Jn Cressener
esq may be my overseer to whom 5s I give to buy him a pair of gloves and I do nominate and appoint my trusty friend
Jn Hatch
to be my whole and sole executor to whom I repose with the assistance of my friend mr
all my trust in witness whereof I the said
Edw Warren
have hereunto put my hand and seal this
etc. signed sealed published and declared to be the last will and testament of the testator in the presence of us and we as witnesses subscribed our names in his presence these words and also 5li to be paid within one year
Geo Toller
Jn Somervell
Wm Batman
Edw Warren