Copyhold of Earldom - quitrent 2s4d - Wm Phil Honywood 3.11.1852 surrender of Rich Oliver Johnson to 6a of woodground parcel of Cogges (properly Curds) Grove lying next the land then or formerly called Colne Park
And also to the messuage with barns etc. and 26a of land and 3a1r of meadow called Curds
And three crofts of land called Barmanfields Rounces and Pells Land containing by estimation 15a
title the same as above
The 6a here called Coggs Grove was parcel of Curds Grove and should properly be so called - it was separated from the rest of Curds Grove 1594 when Roger Harlakenden was admitted to it on surrender of Robt Partridge viz. " to 6a of woodland parcel of a certain grove called Curds Grove next adjoining the lords demesne called Colne Park " - quitrent apportioned 6d. For the other parcel of Curds etc. 1s10d - The two were again united under Roger Harlakenden in 1624 and so remained till apportioned among the family of the Ellistons or Allistons in 1729 - Oliver Johnson succeeded to four-fifths in 1760 and to the other one-fifth in 1762 - the latter on the surrender of Chas Wale