Free deed of Earldom - rent 8s4d - tenements and land parcel of Berecroft
Thos Wing 2.3.1819 on alienation of Jane Brazier executrix of Robt Thornback - acknowledges to hold by free deed etc. and the annual rent of 8s4d a certain tenement, messuage, and land in Earls Colne - late in the occupation of said Robt Thornback
In the rental of 1757 it is entered " Jn Lake holds by free deed 6a of land called (parcel of) Berecroft whereon a messuage etc. is erected - rent 8s4d. These premises were sold in several lots, on which the free rents were apportioned - in 11.1854 and 12.1854 and were purchased by Mark the brother of Thos Wing who acknowledged the free tenure at a court 31.1.1856
Commutation map - no 39 (39) house and garden - 15p Thos Wing
40 (40) farm yard and buildings - 19p
41 (41) cottages and gardens - 28p
401 (401) Upper Orchard 1a17p
402 (402) Lower Orchard - 4a3r
total 6a39p
see map no.
old Terrier 1598 fo. 21 - the Upper Orchard was in possession of Robt Carter
fo. 22 the Lower Orchard in possession of Jn Church