whereas at a view with court here held
Jn Peirson
in the face of the court and the court sitting made an attack upon
Robt Reade
a juryman from the homage and because of the said attack upon the aforesaid
he was in contempt of court therefore the aforesaid
Jn Peirson
was amerced 5li as by the said roll it is clearly shown and appears now to this court came the aforesaid
Jn Peirson
and humbly acknowledged his fault and offered 10s2d of the whole fine therefore the lord through his grace pardoned the whole of the said sum except for the said 10s2d
therefore the aforesaid
Jn Peirson
paid to the lord for his fault a proportion in the manner and form aforesaid and the lord accepted the said sum of 10s2d in full satisfaction for the above