Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr21)

24.4.1622 (Wednesday 24 April 1622)

document 33701367

it is shown also by the homage that Jas Pennocke before this court and after the last court namely 5.9.1620 surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of Jn Read instead of the bailiff in the presence of Edw Cresner and Sam Burton two customary tenants the same testifying according to the custom of the aforesaid manor one tenement with garden adjoining the same called Chiffin to the use and behoof of Andrew Oxenbury of Stepney in the county of Middx his heirs and assigns upon this condition however that if the aforesaid Jas Pennock his heirs executors or assigns or any of them should pay or cause to be paid to the aforesaid Andrew Oxenbury or his lawful attorney or heirs or assigns in or at the now dwelling house of the aforesaid Andrew situated in the aforesaid Stepney the sum of 28li of good and legal money of England in the following manner and form viz the sum of 6li in or upon the 6.10.1621 and another similar 6li of money in or upon 6.10.1622 and another 6li of similar money in or upon 6.10.1623 and 10li of similar money in or upon 6.10.1624 in full payment of the aforesaid sum of 28li upon which the aforesaid surrender will be void and of no force in law but otherwise it should remain in its full force
surrender in mortgage