Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr21)

24.4.1622 (Wednesday 24 April 1622)

document 33701584

it is shown above by the homage that Nich Pierce and Alice his wife out of court namely 18.10.1620 surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of Simon Ive instead of the bailiff in the presence of Rose Partriche and Dan Lea two customary tenants the same testifying all those lands and their customary tenements called Haynes and Cloates or by whatsoever other name or names they are now known or recognised as they are now divided into three separate closes or pightles containing by estimation 4a more or less to the sole use and behoof of Wm Barnard of Earls Colne and his assigns from the day given for the aforesaid surrender until the end and finish of twelve years from then next following to hold by the ancient rents customs and services thereunto belonging and by right accustomed but it is further shown by the aforesaid homage that the aforesaid surrender for the term of years made in the aforesaid manner and form is not according to the custom of the aforesaid manor