whereas at a court held 24.6.1663 Sarah Abbutt now wife of Spandon Vangover was admitted to one tenement and garden called Mathewes Acre and one piece of land with a well in it late parcel of a tenement of Thos Elmestead and to one croft of land called Olmestead Croft with a barn built upon it held by the annual rent of 2s9d and also to one tenement with appurtenances called Flamans held by the annual rent of 8d and also to a certain parcel of land lying behind the tenement aforesaid called Malthouse with one garden called Grapnells held by the annual rent of 2s and all services which premises are now in the occupation of the said Splandon Vangover Francis Bullard and Roger Roote at this court it appeared that the said Splandon and Sarah his wife she solely examined by Jn Eldred junior gentleman deputy steward and consenting on 2.4. out of court surrendered all the said lands held of the said manor to the use of Rich Hayward of Earls Colne son of the said Sarah who present was admitted etc and gave fine and fealty was respited