Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91 checked with D/DPr71)

13.10.1526 (Saturday 13 October 1526)

document 62000817

Lavenhams Cottage Xfine 12d it is found by the homage that Alice late the wife of Robt Upcher of Greate Tey which held jointly with Wm Choppette yet living to them and their heirs of the lord as of this manor by the rod to the use of the said Alice and her heirs one cottage with a garden adjoining and the appurtenances sometime Jn Lavenham's and late Robt Gernon's father of the said Alice the said Alice died since the last court of and in the foresaid cottage with the garden adjoining and the appurtenances of such estate seised and that Agnes Riddesdale widow aunt of the foresaid Alice is the next heir of the said Alice viz the sister of the foresaid Robt Gernon father of the said Alice which Agnes by Jn Wood the bailiff her attorney came and craved to be admitted thereunto and because it is so found by the homage therefore she is admitted the lord's tenant to whom by the lord's steward there is seisin thereof delivered to the hands of her attorney aforesaid to hold to the same Agnes her heirs and assigns of the lord by the rod to the will etc and she giveth fine and made fealty