in the name of god amen the
25.1.1589 in the 31Eliz1
etc. I
Rich Enowes
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex and diocese of London yeoman being of good and perfect remembrance thanks be unto almighty god do ordain make and declare this my present testament containing my last will hereby renouncing and revoking all former wills heretofore by me made and declared first and principally I commend my soul unto the mercy of almighty god my creator and to my lord redeemer and saviour jesus christ and my body to be buried in christian burial where it shall please almighty god to call me to his mercy item I give and bequeath to and amongst the most neediest poor people of Earls Colne aforesaid 26s8d of good and lawful money of England to be paid and distributed amongst them at the day of my burial at the discretion of mine executors also I give and bequeath unto
Edm Enowes
my son one croft of customary land sometimes called
Agnes Bridges Croft
containing by estimation 2a be it more or less lying in White Colne in the said county of Essex now in the tenure and occupation of
Rich Ward
or his assigns to have and to hold the foresaid croft of land with the appurtenances to the said
Edm Enowes
and to his heirs forever according to the custom of the manor whereof the same is holden item I give and bequeath to my executor hereunder named all that my indenture of lease estate interest and term of years of and in all that farm called
and of and in all other lands tenements and hereditaments which I hold by virtue of the said indenture bearing date
etc. of and from the rt hon
earl of Oxford to have and to hold the same for and during the term of years in the said indenture mentioned yet to come and unexpired together with all rents and profits thereof a rising reserved and coming in consideration that my executor shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto
Wm Enowes
Israel Enowes
the wife of one
Luke Hawkyns
the children of my son
Robt Enowes
deceased to either of them the sum of 30li of lawful money of England which I do give and bequeath unto them to be paid unto them yearly out of the annual rents and profits of the said farm lands and tenements as the same shall grow due and payable by virtue of any lease or otherwise part and part like until the several sums shall be well and truly paid and towards the performance of this my present last will and testament and my will and full intent is that the said indenture of lease shall remain in the custody and possession of my loving friend
Wm Tyffyn
esq supervisor of this my present testament to that intent that he by his good means and endeavour in court of equity or otherwise may prevail for and see the said several legacies paid according to the intent and true meaning of this my last will and then upon the payment or discharge of my said legacies and performance of this my will the same indenture of lease to be redelivered to my executor provided notwithstanding that if all the children of my deceased son
Jn Ennowes
be dead whereby the messuage lands and tenements where I dwell and late in my occupation and now in the occupation of
Rich Wade
lying and being in Earls Colne aforesaid which I have assured and conveyed to the said
Jn Enowes
shall descend and come to the said
Wm Enowes
Israel Enowes
Joan Hawkynes
children of my said son
Robt Enowes
by the course of inheritance presently after my decease or before such time as the said several legacies of 30li before severally given to the said
shall by the true meaning of this my will be paid unto them that then my will and true meaning is that by reason of that preferment and benefit of descent the said legacy of 30li or so much thereof as shall at the time of such descent be unpaid to such of the said
to whom the said messuage lands and tenements shall descend shall cease and not be paid but be and remain to the only use and behoof of the said
Edm Enowes
my son in part of recompense of the said lands and tenements anything before in these presents to the contrary contained in anywise notwithstanding item I give and bequeath unto the said
Edm Enowes
my son all those my brewing vessels coppers brasses pans leads furnaces and cestors tables troughs and moulding boards now being and remaining in my brewhouses at the messuage where I now dwell and the bedstead if wainscot a feather bed a flock bed a covering a bolster two blankets two pillows and three curtains with all other furniture to the same bed belonging wholly as it standeth in the parlour of my said messuage and my best gown already delivered my silver salt already delivered and half a dozen of my best silver spoons whereof three are already delivered item I give and bequeath to the said
Wm Enowes
all the tables stools and hangings and one cupboard standing and being in the hall of the said messuage and also the bedstead and two feather beds thereupon lying with the covering of tapestry blankets bolsters and quilt wholly as the same standeth in my bedchamber at the said messuage whereon I do use to lie and also my greatest brass pot which was of
Wm Coppyn
and one silver spoon item I give and bequeath to and amongst the children of the said
Robt Enowes
Edm Enowes
my sons except the said
Joan Hawkyns
having her part already thereof all there rest of my brass and pewter herein not bequeathed to be equally divided and parted to and amongst them part and part like item I give and bequeath unto the said
Israel Enowes
all the tables stools and hangings in the parlour of my said messuage and one press standing in the hall of the said messuage and my firre chest standing in my own chamber where I lie and also a joined bedstead and a feather bed with all things to the same belonging wholly as it standeth in my new chamber at the said messuage and one silver spoon item I give and bequeath unto the said
wife of the said
Luke Hawkyns
my bedstead feather bed bolster covering and blankets wholly as the same now standeth in my great chamber of the said messuage next the stairs there and one of my best silver spoons and one cupboard in the parlour of the said messuage and one great chest and one little chest there standing one form and two chairs and a livery cupboard in the chamber called Mr Sparks chamber and certain brass and pewter which is already delivered and one table item I give and bequeath unto
Jn Warde
and to his three children viz
to either of them 20s of lawful money of England amongst them to be divided item I give to
Rose Reade
wife of
Robt Reade
of Earls Colne aforesaid one sheep and one lamb and one of my best silver spoons item I give unto
Kath Grene
my daughter wife of
Jn Grene
of Earls Colne aforesaid one silver spoon and to
Rich Grene
sons of the said
Jn Grene
to either of them one silver spoon also to
wife of
Jn Hunwicke
of Halstead one silver spoon also I give and bequeath to my loving friends
Mary Tyffyn
wife of the said
Wm Tyffyn
one of my best silver spoons and to
Nich Bleake
Jn Tanner
gent to either of them one silver spoon remaining in the hands of
Jn Grene
my son in law which several legacies to be paid and delivered within one month after my decease all the rest of my goods chattels debts and household stuff in this my present last will and testament not given bequeathed willed or assigned I do wholly give and bequeath unto the said
Edm Enowes
my son whom I do ordain and make executor of this my last will and testament to receive and pay my debts and legacies perform this my present last will and see my body decently brought to the earth as my full trust is in him to do provided notwithstanding and my will and intent is that if my said executor before such time as he shall take upon him the execution of this my will shall stand bounden unto my supervisor hereunder named in such penalty and by such assurance as to my supervisor shall seem meet for the due and faithful payment of my said debts and legacies and performance of this my last will and testament also I do name and earnestly desire my said loving friend
Wm Tyffyn
to be supervisor of this my said last will and testament requesting him that if any ambiguity doubt question or controversy shall happen or arise in about or concerning this my said will that he would aid and assist my said executor or such as shall receive wrong therein in and by his good means advise and counsel for the quieting and appeasing of any such controversy without suit if it may be whereby this my present testimony may be the better performed according to my earnest desire and trust in him reposed to whom I give for his pains therein my great wreathed ring of gold to be delivered unto him presently after my decease and also my best satin doublet already delivered also I give and bequeath to my loving friend
Jn Vigorus
of Halstead my black nag in recompense of his and his father's pains in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written in the presence of
Rich Ward
Robt Ward
Jn Vigerous
Hen Lacy
Robt Ward
the younger
Rich Enowes