in the name of god amen the 7.4.1594 I Jn Tracer of Earls Colne in the county of Essex and in the diocese of London being sick of body but of good and perfect remembrance thanks be to almighty god do ordain and make this my testament containing therein my last will in manner and form following first I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god the father the son and the holy ghost in whom through whom and by whom I believe and trust to be saved and my body I commit to the earth from whence it came and to be buried in the parish churchyard where it shall please god to call me to his mercy first I do give and bequeath to Anne my wife all that my house the which I now dwell in with all other my houses and yards to it belonging with one orchard over against my said house with all and singular the appurtenances to it belonging as it is now at this present in my custody and occupation during the term of her natural life and after the (torn) wife do give all the same my house with all other the premises before expressed to Marryan Partree my daughter during her natural life conditionally that she shall pay or cause to be paid unto my daughter Edith Bridge the sum of 15li of lawful money of England within two years of the decease of Anne my wife and for the non payment of the said 15li aforesaid if it shall be unpaid I do will that my daughter Edith Bridge shall have my said house with all other the premises above named during her natural life conditionally that she the said Edith shall pay or cause to be paid unto my daughter Marryan Partree the sum of 15li of lawful money of England and then she the said Edith to have it for term of her natural life providing also aforehand and it is my will that whichsoever of my said daughters enjoy that my said house with all and singular the premises during the natural life of her that shall enjoy it that then after her decease I do give and will that Wm Partree the son of my daughter Partree shall have all that my said house and all other the premises before expressed to him and to his heirs forever conditionally that the said Wm do pay or cause to be paid unto Edith Bridge the daughter of Edith Bridge my said daughter the sum of 5li of lawful money of England within one year next after that he shall enjoy the same if the said Edith be then living item I do give unto Marryan Partree my daughter 40s of lawful money of England to be paid unto her at the feast of michaelmas next after my decease item I do give also to the said Maryon my daughter my great cauldron and to have it presently after the decease of Anne my wife item I do give and bequeath unto Edith Bridge my daughter 40s of lawful money of England and to be paid in like manner at the feast of michaelmas next after my decease all the rest of my goods movable and immovable being unbequeathed I do give to Anne my wife whom I do make my only and sole executrix to this my testament containing my last will to see it performed according to my true meaning and to pay my debts and to see my body decently brought in earth in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written these being witnesses at the ensealing and delivering hereof Jn Grene Robt Rookes and Rich Williamson Edm Potter Jn Trasar