mrs Mary Gee hold by free deed of the Priory certain lands heretofore of Jn Green vide old Terrier Fo. 85
the same by free deed of the Earldom - a little meadow near the bridge heretofore of Jn Churche vide old Terrier 1598 Fo. 21
1853 Three acres of this land sold to Halstead and Colne Valley Railway Company - near Burrows Bridge - the line just touching on the boundary of the copyhold called Stoneleys
I conclude that these parcels are held by fealty only as I cannot find any acknowledgement of free tenure on the rolls - or any free rent attached to them - They contain together about 12a - a small part in the parish of Colne Engaine. The small meadow on the Gains Colne side of the river sold by mrs Gee to mr Jn Beard of Colne Engaine. The meadow near Stone Bridge called Duckfoot Meadow (520 (520) ) in Earls Colne sold by mrs Gee to mr Jn Hills - the present tenant of mrs Griffinhoofe's farm - on Colne Green