Rental of the Manors of Earls Colne and Colne Priory (ERO D/DPr118)

1854 (1854)

document 80000545

Copyhold of Priory - quitrent 3s4d Jos May 19.3.1829 - death of mother Sarah To all that part of a messuage situate in Holt Street, abutting upon the end of Oldhall Orchard east and upon the road south, and upon a tenement in occupation of Jos Ellis west

1737 Wm Williamson

1765 Wm Williamson death of father

1785 Wm Tunbridge surrender of Wm Williamson

1812 Frances Nicholls and others devisees of W. Tunbridge

1813 Wm May surrender of devisees etc. of Wm Tunbridge

1825 Sarah May death of husband Wm

1829 death fine £14

no. 84 (84) and 85 (85) Commutation map House and garden etc. 27p

sketch plan

In Terrier 1598 fo. 143 Edw Watson (part of) (sketch plan - a. the house, b. blacksmith's shop etc.)

Abstract of title no. 47. The entire premises of Edw Watson described in the survey 1598 fo. 143 were divided in 1633 (sic) on death of Ellin Watson (Edw Watson ) - 1637 Helen Watson was admitted to this portion (no. 84 (84) and 85 (85) ) quitrent apportioned 3s4d and Ellen (Eliz) wife of Thos Fisher was admitted to the other portion no. 83 (83) now Jas Pilgrim quitrent apportioned 3s4d