Rental of the Manors of Earls Colne and Colne Priory (ERO D/DPr118)

1854 (1854)

document 80000665

Copyhold of Earldom - quit rent 2s Mary Hannah Ruffle 9.3.1841 death of father Wm Ruffle to all that cottage and garden called Charles Paine and one shop called the Forge near the churchyard

1749 Ann Wenden death of father Robt Pennock

1755 Rich Ruffle surrender of Ann wife of Plampin Wenden

1765 Edw Marvin surrender of Ruffle

1787 Ambrose Marvin death of father Edw

1808 Ambrose Marvin death of father Ambrose

1808 Mary Ruffle ( Tiffin ) surrender of A. Marvin

1813 Wm Ruffle for life - remainder to daughter Mary Hannah - death of Mary Ruffle

1841 death fine £18.18s

Enfranchised - purchased by mr Ormerod# Barnard and enfranchised 1864 site added to churchyard 1865

Commutation map no. 3 (3) cottage and garden Wm Ruffle 1r14p

sketch plan

no. 3 (3) is the copyhold - a good house with large garden etc.

2 (2) and 469 (469) the property holden by free deed

abstract of title p. 165-6

Survey 1598 fo. 61 - " tenement called Charles Paine which in former times was called the site of the said manor "