(omitted under letter N see page 134) Free deed Priory - rent 1s1d
mr Nicholls Charrington Brewery Colchester
holds by free deed and the annual rent of 1s1d of the manor of Earls Colne - a tenement called Giffords now the White Hart - situate near Colne Bridge
I do not find any acknowledgement of this tenure on the rolls, but the free rent of 1s1d has been paid as long as I can trace the rentals of the manor
In 1838 mr Jn Cutts the solicitor purchased the White Hart of the assignees of Brightwen since which they have passed into various hands - the greater part of the garden is in the parish of White Colne
Commutation map no. 112 (112) Brightwen's assignees - 25p
This is the quantity lying in the parish of Earls Colne - but the greater part of the garden behind is in the parish of White Colne
In the rentals of 1751 and 1756 I find it in the possession of Wm Benson - in the latter called Giffords now the White Hart 1s1d
survey 1598 fo. 87 This and the adjoining premises - including the tenements and garden lying between Hunwick Meadow and Pearsemill Lane - were then of the heirs of Ennowes and contained altogether 2r27p
no. 110 (110) 111 (111) and 113 (113) were all formerly parcels of the same premises. no. 112 (112) The White Hart - has the free rent of 1s1d attached to it - 110 (110) and 111 (111) are the freehold premises of Dan Smith - parcel of his garden in White Colne - see parish maps etc.
The driftway to mr Hume's property - through J. Monk's yard and lying between no. 113 and 114 was formerly called Pearcemill Lane - and there are still marks remaining of a mill having previously existed there, probably before the erection of the Priory mill