Copyhold of Earldom - quitrent 1d
Hen Wenden 13.6.1836 surrender Joseph Hagen Dell as devisee in trust of Ann Wenden to her moiety and the executors of Susan Wenden of the other moiety (the said J.H. Dell having been first admitted to the moiety of Ann Wenden ) - to all that messuage or double tenement etc. as the same is now in the occupation of Joseph Wenden - lying at the north-east end and being part and parcel of a tenement called Morses alias Smiths etc. (joint use of a well)
1743 Jos Pond and Ann surrender Geo Angier
1796 Ann Wenden ( Pond ) wife of Sam death of her mother Ann widow of Jos Pond to a moiety
1796 Susan Wenden ( Pond ) wife of Dan death of the same, to the other moiety
1838 death fine £10.10s
Commutation map 114 (114) (114a) - widow Wenden 37p which includes the premises to which Jos Monk was admitted at same court - see the sketch etc. p. 124 - marked 6
Terrier 1598 fo. 51
rough abstract of titles p. 171