Copyhold of Earldom - quitrent 6d
Thos Webb 31.7.1844 surrender Thos and Mary Ann Playfair
To all that messuage with a garden etc. containing 8p near Chalkney Wood, and holden by the annual rent of 6d
1757 Jn Raven surrender of Dan Cobb
1759 Wm Catley will of Jn Raven
1775 Mary Moule and son Math surrender Wm Catley
1810 Wm Ruffle surrender of Math death of Mary Moule
1822 Mary Ann Arnold married Thos Playfair
1844 fine £9
Commutation map no. 180 (180) cottages and garden Thos Playfair 1r9p
There must have been considerable augmentation from the waste since the original grant of 8p. It is now a double tenement with good garden and outbuildings used as a higgler's yard. I believe the original grant from the waste was made since the survey of 1598 and therefore not entered in the Terrier of that date. In the rental of 1751 Dan Cobb - quitrent 6d
Another small piece of waste has been enclosed since the admission of Thos Webb