Earls Colne Rental (ERO D/DPr110)

18.9.1589 (Thursday 18 September 1589)

document 44400435

Agnes Bonner holdeth by copy of court roll for the term of 8years by virtue of the surrender of Wm Catt to hold from the day of the death of the same Wm and Mary his wife and of the longer liver of them one cottage called Carters by fealty suit of court and by the yearly rent of 6d payable as is aforesaid the same before was of one Xoph Ruffle Eliz and Margt his sisters by virtue of the surrender of Jn Ruffle their father the same cottage sometime was of one Jn Carter and after of one Wm Colley and late of one Jn Renolde the same Margt did take to husband Jn Beckham and the said Eliz took to husband one Wm Armen and that the same Wm Cat did take the same cottage by copy to him and to his heirs by virtue of the surrender of the said Xoph Jn and Margt Wm and Eliz as doth appear in the court rolls of this manor 6Edw6 and 7Edw6