at this court it was presented by the homage that
Nich Pierce
his wife
this present court held for the aforesaid manor
herself afterwards in full court solely and secretly examined and acknowledged by the aforesaid steward as is the custom surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of
instead of the bailiff in the presence of
Edw Cresner
gentleman and
Jn Bridge
two customary tenants of this manor three parcels of land containing by estimation 4a more or less called
Haynes and Clotes
to the use and behoof of
Rich Kempe
and his heirs forever upon the following condition viz that if the aforesaid
his wife or either of them their heirs executors or assigns or any of them should pay or cause to be paid to the said
Rich Kempe
his executors or assigns the sum of 10li of good and legal money of England on the
in the
of the parish church of the aforesaid Earls Colne in the county of Essex that then this present surrender should be void and of no force