fine 2s and no more
whereas at a court held at Great Colne on
Robt Seg
Wm Atte Wode
Robt Mathew
surrendered into the hands of the lord one messuage and one parcel of garden called
to the use of
Jn Dunstale
his wife
Thos Kelet
Jn Maldon
upon condition which were shown in a certain indenture made between the aforesaid parties and if there was default of any of the contents or conditions contained in the aforesaid indentures that it should well be allowed to the same said
with the aforesaid
or their heirs by licence of the lord to reenter and take possession of their former estate the aforesaid surrender notwithstanding accordi ng as in the said court and in the court last preceding it plainly appeared and the lord granted thereof seisin to hold to them and their heirs by the rod and by ancient services and customs etc saving the right etc upon the condition and tenets made between them etc and now to this court came the aforesaid
Robt Seg
Wm Atte Wode
with the aforesaid
Robt Mathew
and complained for themselves in full court against the aforesaid
Jn Dunstale
his wife
Thos Kelet
Jn Maldon
because the conditions and tenets made between them were not performed concerning any parcel thereof according to the tenor of the aforesaid indenture and they sought licence from the lady to reenter into the said messuage and said parcel by showing the aforesaid appropriate indenture in court and by reading whereof an enquiry was taken viz by the oath of
Robt Jegon
Roger Mourdon
Jn Hyne
Jn Salvache
Thos Bonyle
Jn Parchemeer
Jn Wryght
Jn Sonyld
Rich Abraham
Jn Clerk
Jn Rouncy
Jn Park
who present that the conditions in contained in the aforesaid indentures of the said
Jn Dunstale
Jn Maldon
although they were often required to keep them they did not and at this time they refuse etc and the said
Robt Seg
Wm Ate Wode
Robt Mathew
asked for a licence to reenter the premises at the will of the lady and by the services and customs etc to whom it was granted thereof seisin and they made fealty and afterwards at this same court the aforesaid
Robt Seg
Wm Atte Wode
Robt Mathew
surrendered into the hands of the lady the aforesaid messuage and parcel of garden called
to the use of
Thos Prynce
to whom it was granted thereof seisin to have and to hold to himself and his heirs by the rod and by the services and customs thereunto belonging and accustomed etc and he gave to the lady for a fine for having his entry as shown in the margin and made fealty however this same surrender was made upon the following conditions namely that the aforesaid
and his heirs should find or cause to be found for the aforesaid
Robt Mathew
during his lifetime his maintenance within the said messuage food grain clothes linen and wool well and completely as is dignified and decent for his estate and also to keep or cause to be kept
Robt Mathew
himself in sickness and in health in a improved manner during the lifetime of the said
according to his custom and expectations and if it should happen that the aforesaid
Thos Prince
according to the tenets should default in part or in whole that then it should truly be allowed to the aforesaid
Robt Seg
Wm Ate Wode
Robt Mathew
to reenter into the aforesaid messuage and parcel of garden and to hold it in their former estate the aforesaid surrender notwithstanding and the aforesaid
gave to the lady for a fine for having entry as shown and made fealty |