whereas at a court with a view here held on thursday 13.9.24Eliz1 Rich Heyward was admitted tenant of the lord to himself and his heirs to one tenement called Jakes and to one croft of customary land with appurtenances late parcel of Lowfield late of Jn Pynell as shown by copy of court roll now it appears to the homage aforesaid that after the last court and out of court the aforesaid Rich Heyward surrendered all and singular the premises with appurtenances into the hands of the lord by the hands of Thos Anderson instead of the bailiff in the presence of Jn Church and Robt Reade two customary tenants of this manor the same witnessing according to the custom of the manor aforesaid to the use and work of Roger Harlakenden esq and his heirs on the condition following that if the aforesaid Rich Heyward his heirs or assigns pay or cause to be paid to the aforesaid Roger Harlakenden his heirs or assigns all that is owed him by the said Rich Heyward aforesaid to the aforesaid Roger Harlakenden and then the present surrender to be void and of no effect