(outside) this I think belongs to the house and croft given Mary Haward to all christian people to whomsoever this writing shall come Ann Cell of Earls Colne in the county of Essex widow and Robt Cell her eldest son of Buers hamlet in the said county husbandman sendeth greeting in our lord god everlasting know ye that we the said Ann and Robt Cell for and in consideration of the sum of forty pounds of good and lawful money of England to us the said Ann and Robt well and truly paid by Mich Hayward of Colne Engaine in the county aforesaid yeoman and before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof we the said Ann Cell and Robt Cell do acknowledge ourselves to be fully satisfied contented and paid and of the same and every part and parcel thereof do exonerate acquit and release and discharge the said Mich Hayward his heirs executors administrators and every of them for ever here after by these presents have given granted bargained and sold remised and released and for ourselves and either of our heirs executors or administrators and assigns forever quitclaimed do freely and absolutely give grant bargain sell remise and release unto the said Mich Hayward his heirs and assigns all such right title interest claim demand whatsoever we ever had now have or of right ought to have or shall or may have at any time hereafter of in or to all that freehold messuage or tenement and croft of land with all and singular every of the houses edifices and buildings yards or gardens and all other of the appurtenances thereunto belonging whatsoever situate lying and being in the parishes of Earls Colne White Colne or either of them in the said county between the land of the prior and convent of the same town called Spillwaters Land on the one side and the land sometime Jn Powcocks of Coggeshall and after Robt Gouldwires on the other side one head thereof abutteth upon the kings highway leading from Earls Colne aforesaid towards Colchester and the other he ad thereof abuts upon the lane called Peersemell Lane which said messuage or tenement and parcel of freehold land with the appurtenances Robt Cell the husband and father of the said Robt Cell the younger did buy and purchase of Jn Middleton senior the father and Jn Middleton junior the son sometime of Earls Colne aforesaid bricklayers as in and by one pair of indentures bearing date 25.1.1622 wherein it doth more at large and plainly appear to have and to hold the said messuage or tenement and croft of land and all the appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging unto the said Mich Hayward and his heirs and assigns forever to hold of the chief lord or lords of the fee or fees by the ancient rent and services therefore to be due and of right accustomed and we the said Ann Cell and Robt Cell and our heirs the said messuage or tenement and croft of land with appurtenances unto the said Mich Hayward and his heirs and assigns against us and our heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and defend forever hereafter by these presents and further that we the said Ann Cell and Robt Cell and our heirs shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter save and keep harmless the said above before recited messuage or tenement with all and singular every of the appurtenances thereunto belonging whatsoever of and from all and all manner of former bargain sales dowers jointures thirds leases wills entails extents recognizances judgements executions fines forfeitures mortgages and of and from all other titles charges and encumbrances whatsoever had and suffered or formerly done by Robt Cell the elder husband of Ann and father to the said Robt Cell junior so as the said Mich Hayward his heirs and assigns shall and may from henceforth forever hereafter have fully quietly and peaceably have hold occupy possess and enjoy the said messuage or tenement and parcel of land with appurtenances without the lawful let hindrance molestation trouble expulsion or any manner of encumbrances of the said Ann and Robt Cell Wm Cell or Wm Cook or any person or persons whatsoever by their or any of their means consent or procurement and lastly that we the said Ann and Robt and our heirs shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter during the space of five years next ensuing after the date here of at the request and demand and at the only proper cost and charges of the said Mich Hayward his heirs or assigns in the law make do acknowledge execute and suffer or cause to be made done acknowledged executed and suffered all and every such further and other lawful act or acts thing or things or device in the law whatsoever for the more better and perfect assurance sure making settling and conveying of the said messuage or tenement and parcel of land with the appurtenances unto the said Mich Hayward his heirs or assigns forever be the same to be done by fine feoffment deed or deeds enrolled or the enrolment of these presents recovery release or confirmation with single or double voucher warranty or by any other ways or means whatsoever as by the learned counsel in the laws of this realm the said Mich Hayward his heirs or ass igns shall be reasonably devised advised or required and that all such assurance and assurances and conveyance or conveyances of the said messuage or tenement and parcel of land with appurtenances shall be adjudged and taken to be and endure to the only proper use and benefit and behoof of the said Mich Hayward and of his heirs and assigns forever in witness whereof we the said Ann Cell and Robt Cell have here unto set our hands our hands and seals 15.4.1650 Ann Cell Robt Cell sealed in the presence of us Wm Adams script Wm Blundell Jn Brewer Walt Pease