Rental of the Manors of Earls Colne and Colne Priory (ERO D/DPr118)

1854 (1854)

document 80000130

Copyhold of Earldom - quitrent 1s4d Sam Foreman 1.3.1849 on surrender of Maria Stanley (daughter of late Frances Nichols ) and others - to all that one croft of land called Stulps adjoining to Spriggs Marsh etc. Frances Nichols on the death of her father Wm Tunbridge 24.11.1812 Rich Jackson and Martha 31.1.1856

Free deed of the Earldom - rent 5d - the same 1.3.1849 acknowledged free tenure to a parcel of land called Spriggs Marsh - Frances Nicholls acknowledged this free tenure at a court held 2.4.1818 - seems to have been overlooked when admitted to the copyhold 1812 - These two sometime belonged to Gilb Smith and surrendered to Wm Tunbridge by his several coheirs 9.3.1792

Rich Jackson and Martha acknowledged free tenure 31.1.1856

1716 Wm Smith

1761 Gilb Smith

1772 Sarah Smith

1792 Morgan Shelly Smith and Read daughters of Sarah Smith

1792 Wm Tunbridge

1812 Frances Nicholls

1849 death fine £7.10s

sketch plan

No. 410 (410) Commutation map - the two parcels in one called Brookfield containing together 2a3r25p

In the old Terrier 1598 Fo. 58 copyhold of the Earldom 1a1r27p and Spriggs Marsh Fo. 19 - held by free deed of the Earldom 1a1r27p together 4a3r14p which corresponds nearly with the quantity in the Commutation map

The copyhold called Stulps is the upper part of the field abutting on Park Lane. The lower part holden by free deed called Spriggs Marsh - I have no exact line of demarcation - but equally divided will give the respective quantities of free and copy