the rev Wm Edw Hume 5.4.1832 by purchase from the executors of his late father the rev Jas Jn Hume
Copyhold of Priory - quitrent 8d1h to all that malthouse formerly a tenement held of the said manor by the yearly rent of 8d1h
quitrent 3s8d - and also all that parcel of land called Kings Garden held by the annual rent of 3s8d
quitrent 2s4d - and also another parcel of land called Kings Garden held by the annual rent of 2s4d
quitrent 3s8d - and also all that piece or parcel of land called Agnes (or Amys) Bridges held by the annual rent of 3s4d
quitrent 1s - and also one piece of ground formerly called the The Waterhouse and yard heretofore a tan office and held by the annual rent of 1s
quitrent 3s - and also one croft of land called Spillwaters held by the annual rent of 3s
quitrent on this is included in the 1s for the Waterhouse formerly parcel of this meadow - an also all that piece of meadow land containing by estimation 1a more or less lying in White Colne between the river there on the one part and Peek Lane on the other part
1744 Robt Crane surrender of Geo Angier
1789 rev Jos Fisher
1812 rev Jas Jn Hume
1820 rev Thos Hen Hume and other executors
1832 rev Wm Edw Hume - purchase fine for copyhold in both manors £75 (noted in pencil: In rental 1751 Eliz Saville holds 2# houses orchard and garden etc. called Agnes Bridges - Colne Priory quitrent 1s6d - query whose)
The parcels called the malthouse quitrent 8d1h plus The Waterhouse heretofore a tan office and 1a of meadow near the river heretofore called The Marsh together quitrent 1s - survey 1598 fo. 125 (127) in tenure of Thos Smith and Jn Green - abstract of title no. 31 and back of same number
one parcel of Kings Garden quitrent 2s4d this is the pasture above the house - survey 1598 fo. 125 - Jn King - abstract of title no. 52
the other parcel of Kings Garden quitrent 3s8d - the field below the house nearest the river - survey 1598 fo. 125 - Jn Warde - abstract of title no. 36
field called Agnes Bridges quitrent 3s8d - survey 1598 Rich and Amey Haynes - abstract of title no. 60
Spillwater Croft quitrent 3s - survey 1598 fo. 123 Jn Middleton abstract title (inter alia) no. 22
it will be seen how much these copyholds have been confused by alteration of fences
Copy taken from the Commutation map of White Colne 1840 of parcels of copyhold in possession of parties as under in 1854
no. 9 (1009) (1009a) Tanners Meadow 1a1p
no. 12 (1012) (1012a) pasture (now part garden) 3a3r33p
no. 13 (1013) small part of the house, some outbuildings and that part of the pasture in White Colne 1a36p
no. 14 (1014) Barn Pasture 1a1r5p
no. 15 (1015) Kiln Pasture 2a2r8p - total 10a3p in possession of rev W.E. Hume 1854
no. 10 (1010) Hunwicks Meadow 2a1r18p - rev Robt Watkinson in 1854
no. 8 (1008) Holmes Meadow 3a3r33p late Shave now Wm Pilgrim 1854
Part of mr Hume's copyhold lying in Earls Colne - taken from the Commutation map of this parish
no. 116 (116) (116a) house and garden 1r26p
no. 118 and 118 (118) portions of the pasture 1r22p
no. 117 (117) (117a) the cottage etc called Swinesties 25p - makes the whole of this copyhold 10a3r11p