Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr22)

9.1.1645 (Thursday 9 January 1645)

document 34601640

item they present that Thos Honywood knight Jn Jacob knight Steph Nettles clerk Dan Rogers clerk Math Simpson clerk Edm Brewer clerk Geo Cresner gentleman Edw Elliston gentleman Jn Lucas Robt Harrison Rose Church widow Grisel Nevill Wm Collyns in right of his wife     Walker widow Ann Burton widow Hen Enew Antho Bentall Jn Kent Robt Till in right of his wife Wm Sparrow Rich Warde Rich Heyward Jn Potter Wm Meadow Ambrose Waller Rich Bridge Jn Foaks Rich Burton Edw Finch Wm Ellis Thos Gilson in right of his wife Robt Potter Francis Hunwicke Robt Davy Wm Brewer of Tey Antho Baker Thos Coe Rich Essex Robt Cells Jn Munt Jn Harvy Jn Allen Margt Turner Robt Upcher Wm Greene Corn Brownson Margt Brownson guardian of daughters Alan Hunwike Hen Coney Eliz Fisher widow Edw Somerson Thos Turner in right of his wife Sarah Hawksby and Edith Ruggles widow are tenants of this manor and owe their suit and this day made default therefore each of them is in mercy 3d