who say on oath that Gilb Smith gentleman Thos Brewer Jn Bayly Hen Abbutt senior Humph Ruggles Hen Abbutt junior Geo Toller gentleman Wm Prentice Robt Cranfeild Thos Bullock Jn Fletcher Rich Capplin Thos Barrington esq Abrm Vangover in right of his wife Thos Aldgate Wm Fossett Robt Honywood esq Jn Hatch Thos Littel gentleman Jn Deeks Sam Finch Sarah Payne widow Jn Pease Susan Raven Thos Rayner Solomon Stebbing gentleman Rich Sillitoe Jn Taylor Wm Russell esq Edw Abbutt gentleman Wm Creake Ralph Josselyne Jn Ludgater clerk Jn Ellis all tenants of this manor owe suit at court and have made default in mercy each 3d