Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91 checked with D/DPr75)

28.7.1578 (Monday 28 July 1578)

document 66100144

the chief pledge with the homage Robt Peerson Jn Barret Geof Litle Rich Ennewes Robt Reade Jn Leffingwell Humph Brocke Hen Smythe Thos Culverton Thos Bridge Thos Leffingwell Nich Game Thos Marche Wm Wade senior Jn Greene of Halstead Rich Prentice Robt Rooks Robt Carter Jn Parker Wm Fisher Jn Somersham Robt Jolly Jn Wenford Jn Baily Thos Polley Rich Parker Wm Catte Wm Bunner Wm Wade junior Wm Finche Geo Hasset Jn Sparrowe