at this court Wm Adams clerk Edw Catte Edw Clement Robt Carter Hen Abbotte junior Jn Evans Lance Gylette Jn Graunte in right of his wife Rich Hayward Agnes Jollie widow Jn Jygen Jn Leffingwell Thos Man Thos Marche Robt Manninge Jn Prentice Albery Prior Thos Richold Jas Smith guardian of Jn Smith Thos Smith Rich Samford Eliz Smith widow Thos Sandsom Jn Tracer Joan Tracer Wm Vestie Edw Wade Esdras Wade Bennet Watson Geo Pilgrime Thos Crisp Jn Coote Wm Smith Jn Reynoldes Thos Polley (may be Thos Polley) Jn Sparrowe Robt Clarke Jn Layer tenants and residents within the precincts of this leet in their proper persons and made their several suits and are discharged from the homage at this time for certain causes