- footnotes 12. These combs are of two kin...
- footnotes 13. These are wooden cylinders...
- footnotes 14. Heramui is a potent and in...
- footnotes 1. The only example of polygyn...
- footnotes 2. The personal names of marri...
- footnotes 3. The rain-making ceremony mu...
- footnotes 4. It is not known who was Nri...
- footnotes 5. Nui is believed to lie to t...
- footnotes 6. Compare the Angami putsa (H...
- footnotes 7. There has been no Governmen...
- footnotes 8. Vide infra, p.45-6
- footnotes 9. In 1935 a man named Hozekie...
- footnotes 10. His personal property is i...
- footnotes 11. Hutton, The Angami Nagas, ...
- footnotes 12. See Appendix A. (missing)
- footnotes 13. Hutton, The Angami Nagas, ...
- footnotes 14. The Western Nzemi claim th...
- footnotes 15. Vide supra, p.38, et infra...
- footnotes 16. From kade (land) and -peo ...
- footnotes 17. This is also the pattern o...
- footnotes 18. It is impossible for a wid...
- footnotes 19. Vide infra, p. (sic)
- footnotes 20. The kilt assumed at pubert...
- footnotes 21. Girls below the age of pub...
- footnotes 22. The rahangmi still form a ...
- footnotes 23. Vide infra, pp. 107,154.
- footnotes 24. See also pp.107,154.
- footnotes 25. Vide infra pp.141-2.
- footnotes 26. Vide supra, pp 28-9
- footnotes 27. An unmarried Nzemi youth i...
- footnotes 28. A case occurred at Laisong...
- footnotes 29. If a man dies before his s...
- footnotes 30. The Kabui Naga Feasts of M...
- footnotes 31. It should be noted that th...
- footnotes 32. In 1946 Ramkailungba of He...
- footnotes 33. A central Nzemi's hair is ...
- footnotes 34. Vide infra, pp. 143-4, for...
- footnotes 35. Although women have no sha...
- footnotes 36. Central Nzemi kinship will...
- footnotes 1. Mathai, meaning a headman, ...
- footnotes 2. The feast is called Hegwong...
- footnotes 3. There is no information as ...
- footnotes 4. In the case of Samrangba (v...
- footnotes 5. This is a statement of fact...
- footnotes 6. Vide note 4.
- footnotes 7. For a close parallel, see J...
- footnotes 1. Certain clusters of Central...
- footnotes 2. An Ao villager may prevent ...
- footnotes 3. Vide infra, p. 106
- footnotes 4. It is uncertain whether the...
- footnotes 5. For the Kabui parallel, see...
- footnotes 6. Vide supra, p. 56.
- footnotes 7. From the end of the harvest...
- footnotes 8. In the dry Spring of 1946 a...
- footnotes 9. In the Central Nzemi area t...
- footnotes 10. Vide supra, pp. 56.
- footnotes 11. In Asalu, Pokpat-ngi gener...
- footnotes 12. The average amount carried...
- footnotes 13. Zao kasang ("true rice-bee...
- footnotes 14. Red, a favourite colour, w...
- footnotes 1. Because of the gentler slop...
- footnotes 2. "With a taungya system on t...
- footnotes 3. Leach, op. cit. p.260-1. "I...
- footnotes 4. Vide supra, pp.28-29.
- footnotes 5. Tesenmi, Impai and Bopungwe...
- footnotes 6. Haichangnang of Asalu, who ...
- footnotes 7. See Appendix B.
- footnotes 8. In resettling a site it is ...
- footnotes 9. Leach, op.cit., p.257.
- footnotes 10. On the Northern Nzemi-Anga...
- footnotes 1. Village rituals are always ...
- footnotes 2. Vide supra, p.112.
- footnotes 3. It may flare up briefly at ...
- footnotes 4. Vide supra, p.48.
- footnotes 5. The Nzemi have two theories...
- footnotes 6. Wormwood (hega-zing) is bel...
- footnotes 7. See T.C.Hodson, Naga Tribes...
- footnotes 8. Vide supra, p.29.
- footnotes 1. Vide supra, pp.124-133.
- footnotes 2. Kepelo and Haijaichak, whic...
- footnotes 3. Compare the Konyak morung. ...
- footnotes 4. Central Nzemi folklore and ...
- footnotes 5. Vide supra, pp. 142-3.
- footnotes 6. All members of the village ...