the chief pledge with the homage Jeff Audeley Walt Tedder Nich Moore Robt Bonner Wm Parker Jn James Jn Ridnale Jn Gernon Wm Berton Jn Cobbe Jn Wastelin Jn Lingwood Rich Clopham Rich Woodstocke Gilb Wright Jn Shawe Robt Clerke the tenants of Jn White's land Simon Beuecroft Robt Materas Clem Sendall Jn Stone Wm Carter Thos Jakes Jn Tilwicke Jn Ruffle Wm Clerke Jn Marche junior Jn Marche senior Wm Warrin Wm Sprigge Wm Melbie Wm Cocke Thos Manninge Jn Wayte Thos Hunte Jn Clerke Jn Sydaie the tenants of Paycock's land the tenants of Edw Nicholl's land Rich Brome Jn Swanne Robt Tebold Robt Illie Hen Northey Jn Litman Wm Bury Rich Simpson Robt Game Ralph Kebill Alice Neshefield Wm Norfolk