chief pledge with the homage Rich Lightfoot sworn Nich Moore sworn Walt Tedder sworn Robt Bieston sworn Robt Booner sworn Jn Ridnale sworn Jn Wastelin sworn Jn Lingwood sworn Jn Hay sworn Wm Norfolke Jn Cobbe sworn Hen Northey sworn Hen Pullen sworn Wm Poche Jn Clerke sworn Wm Carter sworn Robt Game sworn Simon Heygate Robt Materas Jn Waite sworn Jn Shawe sworn Robt Clerke sworn Rich Maykin sworn Jn Gernon sworn Wm Clerke sworn Wm Berton sworn Rich Filbridge sworn Robt Illie Clem Sendell sworn Jn Reynold sworn Jn Lytman sworn Wm Hawke Rich Woodstocke Simon Beuecroft Wm Parker Jn Marche junior sworn Thos Hunte Jn Sydaie Rich Brome Robt Brosie Jn Swanne Ralph Kebbill Rich Clopham Jn Stone Jn Ruffle Agnes Tilwick Alice Neshfield Alice Sprigge Margt Hunte Wm Bury