Hearth Tax: Exchequer (PRO E179/246/22)

1675 (1675)

document 13401308

persons discharged by certificate Jn Butler 1ht widow Ward 1ht widow Tiffin 1ht Jas Emery 1ht Jn Quilter 1ht Robt Frost 1ht Jn Mott 1ht Jn Allgate 1ht widow Conny 1ht widow Brewer (error for Bewers) 1ht Robt Davy 2ht Rich Mott 1ht widow Sillito 1ht Rich Sillito 1ht Jn Owers 1ht Rich Clitter 1ht widow Bowndes 1ht widow Allin 2ht Adam Brewers 1ht Jas Ward 1ht Jn Huske 1ht Thos Andrewes 1ht Roger Bewers 1ht Joseph Belchamp 1ht widow Harris 1ht widow Tottman 2ht Jn Sillito 1ht Robt Hopewell (Robt Haxell) 1ht widow Rosbrooke 1ht Thos Hutton 1ht Jn Summerfeild 1ht Wm Newton 2ht Hen Hutton 1ht Jn Hutton 1ht Rich Fisher 2ht widow Harrington 1ht widow Hutton 1ht Robt Smith 1ht widow Browning (error for Brownson) 1ht Robt Finch 1ht widow Edwards 1ht Jn Pilgrim 1ht Jn Seight (Jn Scot) 2ht Sam Stowe 1ht Nath Wood (Nath Wade) 1ht Thos Goslen 1ht Jas Markham 1ht Jn Everitt 1ht Jos Sewell 1ht Thos Wead 1ht Hanna Brick (may be Hanna Brick) 2ht Thos Gurald (Thos Garrard) 1ht widow Pryor 1ht Hen Morley 1ht Jn Brewer 1ht Jn Finch 1ht Jn Tyler 1ht Elias Porter (Esdras Paretree) 1ht Isaac Payne 1ht widow Pease 2ht widow Moule 1ht widow Garrett 1ht Edw Steevens 1ht Thos Rayner 1ht widow Seaton (error for Sexton) 1ht widow Lee 1ht widow Adams 1ht Benj Hattock (Barth Hatch) 1ht Jn Peirce 1ht Geo Appleton 2ht Edw Paine 1ht Rich Taylor (Rich Tylor) 1ht Geo Pearetree 1ht widow Smith 1ht Jn Aston 1ht Edw Gould 1ht Thos Potter 2ht Geo Mann 1ht Jn Apelton 1ht Eliz Peartree (Esdras Peartree) 1ht Jn Bond 1ht Jas Roote 1ht Jas Pryor 1ht Wm Andrewes 1ht Sam Payne 1ht Jn Buck 1ht Xoph Fossett 1ht Wm Andrews 1ht Jn Still (Jn Fell) 1ht widow Byford 1ht Jn Rush (Jn Ruggles) 1ht Sam Payne 1ht Hen Wiseman 1ht Robt Payne 1ht Jn Allen 1ht widow Eles 1ht Die Pryor 1ht Rich Appleton 2ht Rich Buner 1ht Nath King 1ht Jn Rayer (Jn Layer) 1ht Thos Harris 1ht widow Slack 1ht widow Steevens 1ht Wm Hutt 1ht Dan Leper 1ht Thos Lamb 1ht Thos Rayner 1ht Thos Bulock 2ht Steph Mowle 1ht Dan Ames 1ht Thos Copes (Jn Cobbs) 1ht Jn Peake 1ht widow Peartree 1ht Thos Fuller 2ht Thos Fuller jun 1ht Thos Lenton 1ht Hen Busheet (Hen Bifleet) 1ht widow Silito 1ht Jn Smith 1ht widow Wilson 2ht widow Lund 1ht Jn Eles 1ht Wm Peartree 1ht Edw Cobbes 1ht widow Ames 1ht Math Markham (may be Math Markham) 2ht Rich Ellis 1ht Geo Lynes viewed Jn Halle constable