The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database
  1. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    1946-01-01:1948-12-31 4:33 Konyak morungs notes Konyak Ao Angami Archer W.G. 1946-01-01:1948-12-31 4:33 Konyak. The morung as the vital index to the village - the source of its vitality - the means by which its health and prosperity is secured - the magical source of well-being - cf. Ao log-drum.....
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  2. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    ..38 Merangkong Merangkong morung notes Ao Merangkong Archer W...38 (At Merangkong - Ao morung had similar post 'those which a rich man put up after a mithan sacrifice'.) Next R66533 R66533 Previous R66531 R66531 notes Next Merangkong morung Archer W... Previous Ao 80 1946-01-01 (At Merangkong - Ao..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  3. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    ..40 Ao morungs notes Ao Archer W... (Ao children are all becoming Christian and their parents are quite powerless to stop them.) Next R66536 R66536 Previous R66534 R66534 notes Next Ao morungs Archer W... Previous Ao 80 1946-01-01 The reason for the morung is the obvious inability of Ao parents to..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  4. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    .. Previous Yimchungr Sangtam Ao 80 attitude to marriage and Yimchungr dress notes Makam Kamcho Yimchungr Sangtam Ao Cheshorr Chingmiren (Chingmirem) Archer W...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  5. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    ..20 description of a cat-like animal notes Yimchungre Sangtam Sema Ao Archer W... Sangchong (YimchungrSangtam) Akhinu (Sema) Ungerkaye (Ao) not a leopard or a tiger - but bigger than a cat - black spot with a red centre - general colour like a leopard - kills small pigs and goats - but not big ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  6. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    1946-01-01:1948-12-31 16:27 Yimchungr marriage and sleeping arrangements notes Yimchungr Ao Sema Sangtam Archer W.G. 1946-01-01:1948-12-31 16:27 Yimchungr... Previous Yimchungr Ao Sema Sangtam 80 1946-01-01 Yimchungr...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  7. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    1946-01-01:1948-12-31 16:45 pre-marital sex notes Chang Ao Archer W.G. 1946-01-01:1948-12-31 16:45 Changs. Pre-marital like the Aos - unmarried of both sexes form a single field company - many villages have old women who are expert in abortion - girls' houses which the boys visit... Previous Chang ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  8. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    ..3 Chimongre law of homicide among Sangtam Nagas notes Sangtam Chang Yimchungr Ao Lhota Sema Chimongre 1947-11-03:.. I am told that exactly or similar law governs the Chang Nagas and Yimchungr Nagas but that other customs prevail among the Ao,.. Previous Sangtam Chang Yimchungr Ao Lhota Sema 80 ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  9. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    ..6 notes Next birthplace of the Ao Archer W... Previous Ao Sangtam 80 birthplace of the Ao notes Hutton Adams P... Ao Sangtam Chare Chongliemdi (Chongliyemdi) Longsa Ungma Lungkam (Lungkham) Langyok Phire-Ahire (Phire Ahire) 1923-11-01:.. Dr Hutton inspected the legendary origin of the Ao tribe...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  10. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    .. Previous Ao Sangtam 80 birthplace of the Aos notes Adams Malongmeren of Malongyimsen Ao Sangtam Mokokchung Aliba Chungtia Ungma Lungkam (Longkham) Chuchu Malongyimsen 1941-01-01:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  11. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    .. Previous Ao 80 birthplace of the Aos notes Stonor Ao Mubongchukit (Mopongchukit) 1947-12-01:..7 2 Ao women of Mopongchukit went and viewed the stones on Xmas Day 1947 - as a result there was a violent hail storm and the hail was a foot deep...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  12. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    .. Previous Sangtam Ao Phom 80 birthplace of the Aos notes Hutton Sangtam Ao Phom Chongliemdi (Chongliyemdi) Archer W... The Ao evangelist sneaked in one day when everyone was in the fields,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  13. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    1946-01-01:1948-12-31 14:4 commensality notes Sema Lhota Sangtam Ao Archer W.G. 1946-01-01:1948-12-31 14:4 Commensality - Semas, Lhotas and Sangtams - husband and wife eat from the same bowls - the wife sometimes feeds the husband and vice versa... Previous Sema Lhota Sangtam Ao 80 1946-01-01 ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  14. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    1946-01-01:1948-12-31 14:8 Naga houses notes Ao Archer W.G. 1946-01-01:1948-12-31 14:8 Aos (& Naga) houses generally so close together that village life is virtually hotel life - privacy is reduced to a minimum - everything in the village is public... Previous Ao 80 1946-01-01 Aos (&..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  15. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    ..9 moatzu notes Ao Archer W...9 Ao - moatzu 'A celebration of warriors' - this is the main subject matter of the songs... Previous Ao 80 1946-01-01 Ao - moatzu 'A celebration of warriors' - this is the main subject matter of the songs...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  16. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    Nokshang 1946-01-01:1948-12-31 14:12 notes Next sexual behaviour Archer W.G. Previous Ao 80 sexual behaviour notes Nokshang Ao Archer W.G. 1946-01-01:1948-12-31 14:12 Mills, 'Ao Nagas' p...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  17. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    1946-01-01:1948-12-31 14:15 Chuchu Yimlang (Chuchu Imlong) Ungma dancing at Ungma notes moatzu Ao Chuchu Yimlang (Chuchu Imlong) Ungma Archer W...15 Ao dancing... Previous Ao 80 moatzu 1946-01-01 Ao dancing...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  18. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    .. Guosele of Chichema Pawsey Nieghuwa of Tesophenyu Angami Northern Rengma Lhota Ao Sema Khonoma Kigwema Jotsoma Zhakhama (Jokhama) Mezema (Mezoma) Chakhabama (Chakharbama) Cheswezumi (Cheswejumi) Chezumi (Chezubama) Mokokchung Kohima Nerhema Jotuna Chechama (Chichema) Tesophenyu 1947-02-05:..1947..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  19. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    Lungkumar L. Dr Mills 1946-01-01:1948-12-31 Wokha Mokokchung 14:.. Previous Ao Sema Angami Rengma Lhota 80 christianity notes Lungkumar L. Dr Mills Ao Sema Angami Rengma Lhota Wokha Mokokchung Archer W...20 Wokha - Ao Doctor - Dr... Next R66642 R66642 Previous R66640 R66640 1946-01-01 Wokha - Ao ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  20. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    .. Previous Sema Lhota Ao 80 letter from Pawsey to Archer about independence letters notes NNC Merhema khel Pawsey Archer Sema Lhota Ao Mokokchung Khonoma Pangsha Panso Pangre Mutongre 1947-07-18:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  21. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    .. Previous Konyak Phom Kalyu Kengyu Yimchungr Sangtam Chang Ao Sema Lhota 80 letters between Pawsey and Archer about independence and the Konyaks letters notes Pawsey Archer W... Adams Imlong Chingai Hopongki Konyak Phom Kalyu Kengyu Yimchungr Sangtam Chang Ao Sema Lhota Nakachari R... As regards ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  22. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    Pawsey Archer W.G. Aliba Imti Mayang Nokcha Hopongki Chingai Imlong Mills Zuheshe 1946-01-01:.. Previous Angami Ao Sangtam Chang Konyak 80 letters between Pawsey and Archer about independence and the Konyaks letters notes Pawsey Archer W... Aliba Imti Mayang Nokcha Hopongki Chingai Imlong Mills ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  23. manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters
    .. Previous Angami Ao Konyak Sema Yimchungr Sangtam 80 sexual behaviour notes Zopianga Angami Ao Konyak Sema Yimchungr Sangtam Archer W... Ao and Konyak pre-marital life &..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  24. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    ..1947-12-04 Lakhuni (Lakuni) Mokokchung walk to Mokokchung diaries Ao Lakhuni (Lakuni) Mokokchung 1947-07-10:.. each man wheezing a differently pitched note or grunt - Ao,.. Ao,.. Next R67010 R67010 Previous R67008 R67008 diaries Next walk to Mokokchung Archer Mildred Previous Ao 81 1947-07-10:.. ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  25. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    ..1947-12-04 walk to Mokokchung village headmen diaries Damant Ao 1947-07-12:.. We are now over the first two mountain ranges and I am exploring more and more Ao villages... Next R67011 R67011 Previous R67009 R67009 diaries Next walk to Mokokchung village headmen Archer Mildred Previous Ao 81 1947-..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  26. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    1947-07-09:1947-12-04 Chungtia visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung diaries Ao Chungtia 1947-07-12:.. Next R67012 R67012 Previous R67010 R67010 diaries Next visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung Archer Mildred Previous Ao 81 1947-07-12:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  27. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    1947-07-09:1947-12-04 Chungtia visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung womens' dress diaries Ao Chungtia 1947-07-12:.. Next R67013 R67013 Previous R67011 R67011 diaries Next visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung womens' dress Archer Mildred Previous Ao 81 1947-07-12:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  28. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    1947-07-09:1947-12-04 Chungtia visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung graves diaries Ao Chungtia 1947-07-12:.. Next R67014 R67014 Previous R67012 R67012 diaries Next visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung graves Archer Mildred Previous Ao 81 1947-07-12:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  29. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    1947-07-09:1947-12-04 Chungtia visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung diaries Ao Chungtia 1947-07-12:.. Next R67015 R67015 Previous R67013 R67013 diaries Next visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung Archer Mildred Previous Ao 81 1947-07-12:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  30. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    1947-07-09:1947-12-04 Chungtia visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung smoking diaries Ao Chungtia 1947-07-12:.. Next R67016 R67016 Previous R67014 R67014 diaries Next visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung smoking Archer Mildred Previous Ao 81 1947-07-12:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  31. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    ..1947-12-04 Chungtia visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung houses and house carvings diaries Ao Chungtia 1947-07-12:..1947-12-04 Like many Ao villages Chungtia is built on a steep hillside and,.. fires are extremely common in Ao villages and some are burnt down year after year... Next R67017 R67017..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  32. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    1947-07-09:1947-12-04 Chungtia visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung morung and morung carvings diaries Ao Chungtia 1947-07-12:.. Next R67018 R67018 Previous R67016 R67016 diaries Next visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung morung and morung carvings Archer Mildred Previous Ao 81 1947-07-12:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  33. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    1947-07-09:1947-12-04 Chungtia Aliba visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung log drums diaries Ao Chungtia Aliba 1947-07-12:.. Next R67019 R67019 Previous R67017 R67017 diaries Next visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung log drums Archer Mildred Previous Ao 81 1947-07-12:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  34. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    1947-07-09:1947-12-04 Chungtia visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung diaries Ao Chungtia 1947-07-12:.. Next R67020 R67020 Previous R67018 R67018 diaries Next visit to Chungtia walk to Mokokchung Archer Mildred Previous Ao 81 1947-07-12:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  35. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    Mayang Nokcha 1947-07-09:1947-12-04 Naga reactions to news of impending Indian independence diaries Mayang Nokcha Angami Kacha Ao Lhota 1947-07-18:.. Next R67024 R67024 Previous R67022 R67022 diaries Next Naga reactions to news of impending Indian independence Archer Mildred Previous Angami Kacha ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  36. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    ..1947-12-04 Lungkam (Lungkham) trip to Kohima visit to Lungkham diaries Sankalemba of Lungkham Ao Lungkam (Lungkham) 1947-08-09:.. a sprawling Ao village barred our way and we slipped and slithered on the muddy stones of the village street... In the past every Ao village had such a tree on which ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:56
  37. typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947
    Hutton 1947-07-09:1947-12-04 Longsa comparison between Aos and Semas diaries Hutton Ao Sema Longsa 1947-09-19:.. (86) Next R67169 R67169 Previous R67167 R67167 diaries Next comparison between Aos and Semas Archer Mildred Previous Ao Sema 81 1947-09-19:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:57
  38. typescript - extract from tour diary of C.R. Pawsey, 1925
    .. Previous Ao Konyak Chang 90 to Chasa;.. tables for clan feasts tours Ao Konyak Chang Chasa Dilli R... The houses are built on machans and in streets just like an Ao village but the houses have the usual five "chimneys". The village is clearly of mixed origin... The houses are built on machans ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:57
  39. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    ..1936-07-11 diaries Next influence of Christian missionaries Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 influence of Christian missionaries diaries Mills Ao 1936-07-14:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  40. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Yacham tattoos of mithan representing head taking, long tufts of hair diaries Ao Yacham 1936-07-14:.. long tufts of hair Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-14:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  41. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    .. ugly church diaries Ao 1936-07-14:.. This is an old Ao custom which is still kept up by the christian Ao... ugly church Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-14:.. This is an old Ao custom which is still kept up by the christian Ao...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  42. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    .. rear of houses on poles diaries Ao 1936-07-14:.. London The nearby old village where nowadays heathen and christian live side by side is a good example of an Ao village... rear of houses on poles Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-14:1936-07-14 1936-..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  43. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London mixed morungs with carvings diaries Ao 1936-07-14:..jpg Next R67755 R67755 Previous R67753 R67753 diaries Next mixed morungs with carvings Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-14..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  44. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Christian opposition to morungs diaries Ao 1936-07-14:.. a young Ao in shorts,.. Next R67756 R67756 Previous R67754 R67754 diaries Next Christian opposition to morungs Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  45. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    .. London ideal plan of an Ao village diaries Ao 1936-07-14:.. Here one can observe the ideal plan of an Ao village...jpg Next R67757 R67757 Previous R67755 R67755 diaries Next ideal plan of an Ao village Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-14:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  46. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    .. rice beer condemned by Christians diaries Ao 1936-07-14:.. London The big hollow slit drums all stand inside the morungs here while Konyak as well as other Ao have separate drum houses... rice beer condemned by Christians Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  47. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Akhoia (Akoia) horrible church at Akoia diaries Ao Akhoia (Akoia) 1936-07-15:..jpg Next R67759 R67759 Previous R67757 R67757 diaries Next horrible church at Akoia Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  48. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:.. London Ungri (Ungr) phallic and forked posts for feasts of merit diaries Ao Ungri (Ungr) 1936-07-15:..jpg Next R67760 R67760 Previous R67758 R67758 diaries Next phallic and forked posts for feasts of merit Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  49. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    .. feast of merit and good morung diaries Ao Chang Chuchu-Yimlang Yamrup 1936-07-15:.. An old and very rich man who has done the full cycle of feasts of merit is one of the few who remembers the time before the take-over of Ao land nagacfhphotP49273... feast of merit and good morung Furer-..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  50. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Mongsenyimti arrival at Mongsenyimti diaries Ao Mongsenyimti 1936-07-15:.. Next R67762 R67762 Previous R67760 R67760 diaries Next arrival at Mongsenyimti Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  51. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London walking through forests diaries Ao 1936-07-16:.. Next R67763 R67763 Previous R67761 R67761 diaries Next walking through forests Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-16:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  52. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    ..1936-07-11 diaries Next arrival at Mokokchung Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 arrival at Mokokchung diaries Blah Hari Ao Mokokchung 1936-07-16:.. Mokokchung is a big Ao village without any remarkable features...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  53. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    .. London Ao dancing in traditional costume diaries Blah Ao Mokokchung 1936-07-16:..jpg Next R67765 R67765 Previous R67763 R67763 Ao dancing in traditional costume Furer-Haimendorf 1936-07-16 83 R67764 Blah nagacfhphotP49275...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  54. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    .. London After the Ao it was the turn of some Sema boys whose dance was hardly different from the Ao but for them one boy danced alone in front of them in vividly moving rhythms and he threw his spear a bit into the air...1936-07-16 1936-07-16 After the Ao it was the turn of some Sema boys whose ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  55. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    Blah School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Mokokchung 1936-06-02:1936-07-11 diaries Next multiplying stones ; Baptists missions receding Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 multiplying stones ; Baptists missions receding diaries Blah Ao Mokokchung 1936-07-16:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  56. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    ..1936-07-11 diaries Next notes on legal and other matters Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 notes on legal and other matters diaries Tsampio Ao Mokokchung 1936-07-17:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  57. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    ..1936-07-11 diaries Next back to Mongsenyimti Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 back to Mongsenyimti diaries Nlamo Tsampio Mills Ao Mokokchung Mongsenyimti 1936-07-17:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  58. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    ..1936-07-11 diaries Next examine head tree Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 examine head tree diaries Tsampio Nlamo Ao Mokokchung Chantongia 1936-07-18:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  59. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    .. London Mokokchung Ungri (Ungr) Chuchu-Yimlang discussion about major Ao god diaries Ao Mokokchung Ungri (Ungr) Chuchu-Yimlang 1936-07-18:.. Next R67771 R67771 Previous R67769 R67769 diaries Next discussion about major Ao god Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  60. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    Lente School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Mokokchung Akhoia (Akoia) 1936-06-02:1936-07-11 diaries Next Naga troops in France ; Christianity and marriage Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 Naga troops in France ; Christianity and marriage diaries Lente Ao Mokokchung Akhoia (Akoia) ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  61. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Mokokchung Chantongia Mongsenyimti tiger tracks , mission hymns diaries Ao Mokokchung Chantongia Mongsenyimti 1936-07-18:.. mission hymns Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-18:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  62. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    ..1936-07-11 diaries Next Christians sitting about Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 Christians sitting about diaries Nlamo Ao Mokokchung Chantongia 1936-07-19:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  63. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    .. London Mokokchung Yongyimsen tea with Christian minister diaries Ao Mokokchung Yongyimsen 1936-07-19:.. an Ao wearing shorts and a purple jacket...jpg Next R67775 R67775 Previous R67773 R67773 diaries Next tea with Christian minister Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  64. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Mokokchung sounds of birds, trees of forest, a great thirst diaries Ao Mokokchung 1936-07-19:.. a great thirst Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-19:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  65. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Mokokchung Merangkong English speaking Naga diaries Ao Mokokchung Merangkong 1936-07-19:..jpg Next R67777 R67777 Previous R67775 R67775 diaries Next English speaking Naga Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  66. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Merangkong tiger hunt diaries Ao Merangkong 1936-07-19:.. Next R67778 R67778 Previous R67776 R67776 diaries Next tiger hunt Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-19:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  67. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Merangkong a pretty village diaries Ao Merangkong 1936-07-19:..jpg Next R67779 R67779 Previous R67777 R67777 diaries Next a pretty village Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-19..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  68. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Merangkong taking revolver to tiger hunt diaries Ao Merangkong 1936-07-19:.. Next R67780 R67780 Previous R67778 R67778 diaries Next taking revolver to tiger hunt Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  69. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Merangkong tiger hunt diaries Ao Merangkong 1936-07-19:..jpg Next R67781 R67781 Previous R67779 R67779 diaries Next tiger hunt Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-19:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  70. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    ..1936-07-11 diaries Next history of head-taking Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 history of head-taking diaries Sakchimtuba of Merangkong Ao Merangkong 1936-07-19:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  71. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    .. London Merangkong the Ao god Lichaba and the origin of man diaries Ao Merangkong 1936-07-19:.. Next R67783 R67783 Previous R67781 R67781 diaries Next the Ao god Lichaba and the origin of man Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-19:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  72. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Merangkong origin of thunder diaries Ao Merangkong 1936-07-19:.. Next R67784 R67784 Previous R67782 R67782 diaries Next origin of thunder Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-19:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  73. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Merangkong land of the dead diaries Ao Merangkong 1936-07-19:.. Next R67785 R67785 Previous R67783 R67783 diaries Next land of the dead Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-19:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  74. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Merangkong hell fire of Christianity criticized diaries Ao Merangkong 1936-07-19:.. Next R67786 R67786 Previous R67784 R67784 diaries Next hell fire of Christianity criticized Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  75. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Merangkong a pleasant party diaries Ao Merangkong 1936-07-19:.. Next R67787 R67787 Previous R67785 R67785 diaries Next a pleasant party Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-19:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  76. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    .. London attractive Ao woman described diaries Ao 1936-07-20:.. The Ao women are generally more attractive than the Angami as well as the Konyak... Next R67788 R67788 Previous R67786 R67786 diaries Next attractive Ao woman described Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  77. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    Nian-pong of Tamlu School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London 1936-06-02:1936-07-11 diaries Next Konyak deities ; sacrifice for illnesses Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 Konyak deities ; sacrifice for illnesses diaries Nian-pong of Tamlu Ao 1936-07-20:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  78. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    1936-06-02:1936-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London the god Ga-shi diaries Ao 1936-07-20:.. let him go". Next R67790 R67790 Previous R67788 R67788 diaries Next the god Ga-shi Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-07-20:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  79. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary one
    .. Ao institutions diaries Konyak Ao Wakching 1936-08-26:.. In the morning I tried to find out several of the Ao institutions and concepts with the help of the schoolteacher who understands Ao... Ao institutions Furer-Haimendorf Previous Konyak Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-08..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:58
  80. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two
    1936-06-02:1937-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Chantongia morungs maintained by non Christians diaries Ao Chantongia 1936-11-08:..jpg Next R68337 R68337 Previous R68335 R68335 diaries Next morungs maintained by non Christians Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  81. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two
    ..1937-07-11 diaries Next discussion about feminine beauty Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 discussion about feminine beauty diaries Chingai Ao 1936-11-08:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  82. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two
    1936-06-02:1937-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London measurements and beating of drums diaries Ao 1936-11-08:.. Next R68339 R68339 Previous R68337 R68337 diaries Next measurements and beating of drums Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  83. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two
    1936-06-02:1937-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London no trace of litigants diaries Ao 1936-11-08:.. Next R68340 R68340 Previous R68338 R68338 diaries Next no trace of litigants Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-11-08:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  84. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two
    Ahon Chi Nlamo School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London 1936-06-02:1937-07-11 diaries Next litigants appear; shooting pheasant Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 litigants appear; shooting pheasant diaries Ahon Chi Nlamo Ao 1936-11-08:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  85. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two
    1936-06-02:1937-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London dead leopards diaries Ao 1936-11-08:.. Next R68342 R68342 Previous R68340 R68340 diaries Next dead leopards Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-11-08:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  86. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two
    1936-06-02:1937-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Mongsenyimti black Naga cattle and mithan carved post diaries Ao Mongsenyimti 1936-11-08:..jpg Next R68343 R68343 Previous R68341 R68341 diaries Next black Naga cattle and mithan carved post Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  87. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two
    ..1937-07-11 diaries Next arrival at Mokokchung and arrival of troops Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 arrival at Mokokchung and arrival of troops diaries Mills Smith Ao Mokokchung 1936-11-10:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  88. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two
    .. London Mokokchung confused feuds between villages in area of punitive expedition diaries Ao Mokokchung 1936-11-10:.. Next R68345 R68345 Previous R68343 R68343 diaries Next confused feuds between villages in area of punitive expedition Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  89. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two
    ..1937-07-11 diaries Next preparations for expedition Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 preparations for expedition diaries Mills Kauffmann Williams Ao Mokokchung 1936-11-11:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  90. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two
    School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London carvings on Naku's house diaries Naku Ao Mokokchung 1936-11-12:1936-11-12 Furer-Haimendorf 1936-06-02:1937-07-11 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes School of Oriental and African Studies Library,..1936-11-12 Next Ao 1936-06-02:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  91. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two
    1936-06-02:1937-07-11 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Mokokchung small freed slave; ready to start diaries Ao Mokokchung 1936-11-12:.. ready to start Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-11-12:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  92. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two
    .. London Chare Chare Chare a mixed Ao and Sangtam village diaries Sangtam Ao Chare Chare 1936-11-13:.. Next R68353 R68353 Previous R68351 R68351 diaries Next Chare a mixed Ao and Sangtam village Furer-Haimendorf Previous Sangtam Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1936-11-13:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  93. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary three
    .. London Noksan Longtang Oting a funeral platform and smoking of corpse diaries Chang Ao Noksan Longtang Oting 1936-12-11:.. Next R68615 R68615 Previous R68613 R68613 diaries Next a funeral platform and smoking of corpse Furer-Haimendorf Previous Chang Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  94. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary three
    .. London Noksan Longtang Younyu Santok methods of harvesting job's tears diaries Chang Ao Noksan Longtang Younyu Santok 1936-12-11:.. Next R68616 R68616 Previous R68614 R68614 diaries Next methods of harvesting job's tears Furer-Haimendorf Previous Chang Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  95. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary three
    .. London Noksan arrival in Chang village of Noksan diaries Chang Ao Noksan 1936-12-11:.. Noksan is a peculiar place as Chang and Ao live side by side here and both follow their own customs... In front of the Ao houses are the familiar forked offering posts. Next R68617 R68617 Previous R68615 ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  96. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary three
    .. London Noksan graves and 'Y' posts in Noksan diaries Chang Ao Noksan 1936-12-11:.. one of a Chang the other Ao. The former had been buried but a platform rose above the grave quite similar to the one of the neighbouring Ao side on which the corpse is actually lying... Next R68618 R68618 Previous..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  97. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary three
    ..1937-02-11 diaries Next changes in burial customs towards grave burials Furer-Haimendorf Previous Chang Ao 83 changes in burial customs towards grave burials diaries Mills Hutton Chang Ao Noksan 1936-12-11:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  98. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary three
    .. monkey nets and houses Furer-Haimendorf Previous Chang Ao 83 tattoos, monkey nets and houses diaries Mills Chang Ao Noksan Yacham Saochu 1936-12-11:.. In the village the Chang and Ao are not distinguishable by their dress but one can recognise the women from their facial tattoos... In the ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  99. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary three
    ..1937-02-11 diaries Next food and drink to celebrate return Furer-Haimendorf Previous Ao 83 food and drink to celebrate return diaries Smith Nakhu Ao Longmisa Chuchu-Yimbang Mokokchung 1936-12-13:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:00
  100. manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary four
    1937-02-12:1937-03-31 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Anaki travel to Anaki diaries Konyak Ao Anaki 1937-03-18:.. Next R69070 R69070 Previous R69068 R69068 diaries Next travel to Anaki Furer-Haimendorf Previous Konyak Ao 83 translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes 1937-03-18:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:02
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