Date Index - 1664

1664Colne Priory Manor: Index of Admissions(35900386) (35900736) (35900887) (35901569) (35901958)
Freehold Titles32100184
Colne Priory Manor: Fine Book23800189 23800203 23800220 23800234 23800249
23800260 23800272 23800283
Earls Colne Manor: Fine Book24200138 24200141 24200152 24200169 24200184
24200199 24200209 24200218 24200227 24200239
24200249 24200259 24200269 24200279 24200290
24200300 24200310 24200324
Diary of Ralph Josselin(70014245) (70014455) 70020780
Chancery Depositions16700711
Saturday 2 January 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300605
Sunday 3 January 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014130
Thursday 7 January 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697000956
Sunday 10 January 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014135
Thursday 14 January 1664Archdeaconry Act Book(2003280)
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014140
Sunday 17 January 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014145
Monday 18 January 1664Baptism register 1660 to 1669(7001000)
Tuesday 19 January 1664Marriage register 1653 to 16799000927
Thursday 21 January 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin(70014150)
Saturday 23 January 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014150
Sunday 24 January 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014155
Tuesday 26 January 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697000967
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014160
Wednesday 27 January 1664Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls(39401652)
Saturday 30 January 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014165
Chancery Depositions(16700711)
Sunday 31 January 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014170
Sunday 7 February 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697000978
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014175
Sunday 14 February 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014180
Thursday 18 February 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300613
Friday 19 February 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697000989 7001000
Sunday 21 February 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014185
Tuesday 23 February 1664Marriage register 1653 to 16799000935
Wednesday 24 February 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300618
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014190
Thursday 25 February 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001013
Sunday 28 February 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300626
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014195
Saturday 5 March 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014200
Sunday 6 March 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014205
Wednesday 9 March 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014210
Thursday 10 March 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin(70014210)
Quarter Sessions: Licences of alehouses and victuallers21901035 21901047
Saturday 12 March 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014215
Sunday 13 March 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014220
Wednesday 16 March 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001024
Saturday 19 March 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014225
Sunday 20 March 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014230
Monday 21 March 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300631
Tuesday 22 March 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014235
Friday 25 March 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014240
Sunday 27 March 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014245
April 1664Quaker Monthly Meeting - births9502091
Saturday 2 April 1664Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls(39402479)
Sunday 3 April 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014250
Saturday 9 April 1664Wills4500992
Sunday 10 April 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014255
Tuesday 12 April 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001061
Sunday 17 April 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014260
Friday 22 April 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300639
Tuesday 26 April 1664Chancery Depositions(16800352)
Wednesday 27 April 1664Chancery Depositions16700554
Saturday 30 April 1664Chancery Depositions16700603
Sunday 1 May 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300644
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014265
Thursday 5 May 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001072
Saturday 7 May 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014270
Sunday 8 May 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014275
Tuesday 10 May 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300649
Sunday 15 May 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014280
Monday 16 May 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300657
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014285
Wednesday 18 May 1664Archdeaconry Act Book2003317 2003318
Saturday 21 May 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014290
Sunday 22 May 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014295
Monday 23 May 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014300
Saturday 28 May 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001083
Sunday 29 May 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014305
Saturday 4 June 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014310
Sunday 5 June 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014315
Monday 6 June 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300662
Thursday 9 June 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014320
Sunday 12 June 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014325
Monday 13 June 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300670
Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls(35801339)
Friday 17 June 1664Archdeaconry Act Book(2003287) (2003302)
Saturday 18 June 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014330
Sunday 19 June 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300675
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014335
Sunday 26 June 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014340
Tuesday 28 June 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001096
Thursday 30 June 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001107
Saturday 2 July 1664Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls(39402415)
Sunday 3 July 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014345
Friday 8 July 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014350
Sunday 10 July 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014355
Tuesday 12 July 1664Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls39401464 39401470 39401484 39401510 39401584
39401652 39401716 39401749 39401803 39401877
39401951 39401975 39402002 39402040 39402068
39402100 39402158 39402188 39402244 39402316
39402365 39402383 39402404 39402415 39402479
39402512 39402535 39402560 39402576 39402577
(39500020) (39500281) (39600758) (39601141) (39700541)
(39701551) (39701754) (39800307) (39801039) (39801301)
(39801812) (39901598) (40000173) (40101389) (40200106)
Wednesday 13 July 1664Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls35300005 35300011 35300021 35300049 35300050
35300152 35300229 35300250 35300316 35300411
35300468 35300507 35300559 35300609 35300668
35300738 35300811 35300812 (35301698) (35401019)
(35500533) (35501103)
Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls(39501026)
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014360
Friday 15 July 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin(70014370)
Saturday 16 July 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014365
Sunday 17 July 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014370
Wednesday 20 July 1664Archdeaconry Act Book2003330
Sunday 24 July 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014375
Monday 25 July 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin(70014380)
Tuesday 26 July 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014380
Sunday 31 July 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014385 (70014405)
Monday 1 August 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014390
Wednesday 3 August 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin(70014390)
Thursday 4 August 1664Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls(35200405)
Diary of Ralph Josselin(70014390)
Friday 5 August 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin(70014390)
Saturday 6 August 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin(70014390) (70014400)
Sunday 7 August 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014395
Monday 8 August 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014400
Wednesday 10 August 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014405
Friday 12 August 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin(70014405)
Saturday 13 August 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001118
Sunday 14 August 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014410
Thursday 18 August 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014420
Friday 19 August 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014415
Saturday 20 August 1664Archdeaconry Act Book(2003330)
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014425
Sunday 21 August 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014430
Thursday 25 August 1664Marriage register 1653 to 16799000943
Sunday 28 August 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014435
Wednesday 31 August 1664Marriage register 1653 to 16799000951
Thursday 1 September 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014440
Sunday 4 September 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014445
Sunday 11 September 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014450
Wednesday 14 September 1664Commissary Court Visitations300250 300266
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014455
Sunday 18 September 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014460
Monday 19 September 1664Wills6400018
Tuesday 20 September 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300680
Friday 23 September 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014465
Saturday 24 September 1664Wills(6400018)
Sunday 25 September 1664Marriage register 1653 to 16799000959
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014470
Thursday 29 September 1664Quaker Monthly Meeting - births9502103
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014475
Chancery Depositions(16700554) (16900005)
Saturday 1 October 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300685
Sunday 2 October 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001129
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014480
Wednesday 5 October 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014485
Thursday 6 October 1664Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls(35301364)
Sunday 9 October 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014490
Thursday 13 October 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001140
Sunday 16 October 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014495
Monday 17 October 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001151
Tuesday 18 October 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001261
Marriage register 1653 to 16799000967
Thursday 20 October 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001162
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014500
Friday 21 October 1664Commissary Court Visitations(300250)
Sunday 23 October 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014505
Wednesday 26 October 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70020785
Sunday 30 October 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014510
Monday 31 October 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014515
November 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin(70014990)
Saturday 5 November 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014520
Sunday 6 November 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001173
Burial register 1616 to 16798300693
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014525
Monday 7 November 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014530
Tuesday 8 November 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001184
Diary of Ralph Josselin(70014530)
Wednesday 9 November 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300698
Thursday 10 November 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001195
Sunday 13 November 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014535
Sunday 20 November 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014540
Thursday 24 November 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014545
Sunday 27 November 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014550
Tuesday 29 November 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001206
Tuesday 4 December 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014555
Wednesday 5 December 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014560
Tuesday 11 December 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014565
Wednesday 12 December 1664Quaker Monthly Meeting - births9502116
Tuesday 18 December 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014570
Friday 21 December 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin(70014625) (70014665)
Saturday 22 December 1664Burial register 1616 to 16798300706
Marriage register 1653 to 16799000975
Monday 24 December 1664Diary of Ralph Josselin70014575 (70014690)
Tuesday 25 December 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001841
Archdeaconry Act Book(2003330)
Diary of Ralph Josselin70014580
Thursday 27 December 1664Baptism register 1660 to 16697001217